[Wednesday Lent] Charoset - The Seder
- This week is the Charoset. Remembering the Bricks. Every Week we will be going though the Seder plate of Passover meal. Discussing what each things mean from the Bitterness to the Lamb
- This week is the Charoset. Remembering the Bricks. Every Week we will be going though the Seder plate of Passover meal. Discussing what each things mean from the Bitterness to the Lamb
What Had happened at Grace this week.
Sermon on the Mount this Lent
Week 1 is Matthew 5:1-6 - Kingdom Identity
Sermon on the Mount this Lent
Week 2 is Torah & Prophets - Matthew 5:17-48
Jesus's humble entry dismantles false hope in worldly power and religious ritual, revealing a true faith in His sacrificial love. Matthew Chapter 21-22
- The disciples are seeking greatness. But Jesus points us to the dust. Matthew Chapter 18-20
Even though we look for security among the stone, Jesus shows us the heart of the redeemer. Matthew Chapter 16-17
[Sunday] Love - The Way
Weddings are beautiful places of love, but so often we discover the brokenness of that love way too quickly. So where is unbroken love? Maybe it's the rebuilding of the temple in 3 days.
Weddings are beautiful places of love, but so often we discover the brokenness of that love way too quickly. So where is unbroken love? Maybe it's the rebuilding of the temple in 3 days.
Questions This Week
Describe a time when you’ve loved imperfectly or been called out for loving imperfectly.
Read John 2:13-22. What does Jesus mean when he says “he will destroy the temple and rebuild it in 3 days?” How does this show us the love of God?
Read John 13:1-20. How do you see God’s love here? What does it mean that Judas also had his feet washed?
How has Jesus loved you?

Wednesday Series
What Had happened at Grace this week.
Jesus calls out the "blind guides" for their selective piety, reminding us that grace surpasses performative holiness. Matthew Chapter 23
Sermon on the Mount this Lent
Week 1 is Matthew 5:1-6 - Kingdom Identity
Sermon on the Mount this Lent
Week 2 is Torah & Prophets - Matthew 5:17-48
Jesus's humble entry dismantles false hope in worldly power and religious ritual, revealing a true faith in His sacrificial love. Matthew Chapter 21-22
- The disciples are seeking greatness. But Jesus points us to the dust. Matthew Chapter 18-20
Even though we look for security among the stone, Jesus shows us the heart of the redeemer. Matthew Chapter 16-17
[Ash Wednesday] Bitter Herbs - The Seder
Ash Wednesday! Every Week we will be going though the Seder plate of Passover meal. Discussing what each things mean from the Bitterness to the Lamb
Every Week we will be going though the Seder plate of Passover meal. Discussing what each things mean from the Bitterness to the Lamb
What Had happened at Grace this week.
Jesus calls out the "blind guides" for their selective piety, reminding us that grace surpasses performative holiness. Matthew Chapter 23
Sermon on the Mount this Lent
Week 1 is Matthew 5:1-6 - Kingdom Identity
Sermon on the Mount this Lent
Week 2 is Torah & Prophets - Matthew 5:17-48
Jesus's humble entry dismantles false hope in worldly power and religious ritual, revealing a true faith in His sacrificial love. Matthew Chapter 21-22
- The disciples are seeking greatness. But Jesus points us to the dust. Matthew Chapter 18-20
Even though we look for security among the stone, Jesus shows us the heart of the redeemer. Matthew Chapter 16-17
[Sunday] Justice - The Way
We see so much hurt and injustice in society, and we cry out for a better way. But even that search for something better often leaves behind a trail of hurt. Perhaps justice can find its place in the creation story and the recreation of the gardener.
We see so much hurt and injustice in society, and we cry out for a better way. But even that search for something better often leaves behind a trail of hurt. Perhaps justice can find its place in the creation story and the recreation of the gardener.
Questions This Week
Describe a time when you thought you knew “the way” but ended up getting it wrong.
Read John 8:1-11. How do they try and trap Jesus in injustice? How does Jesus bring justice to the situation?
Read John 19:12-16. What injustice is put on Jesus? How does he respond?
Read John 1:1-5. How can you see echoes of the resurrection in this beginning part of John?
How can you join with Jesus in that creative redemption of God where justice is brought?
What Had happened at Grace this week.
Jesus calls out the "blind guides" for their selective piety, reminding us that grace surpasses performative holiness. Matthew Chapter 23
Sermon on the Mount this Lent
Week 1 is Matthew 5:1-6 - Kingdom Identity
Sermon on the Mount this Lent
Week 2 is Torah & Prophets - Matthew 5:17-48
Jesus's humble entry dismantles false hope in worldly power and religious ritual, revealing a true faith in His sacrificial love. Matthew Chapter 21-22
- The disciples are seeking greatness. But Jesus points us to the dust. Matthew Chapter 18-20
Even though we look for security among the stone, Jesus shows us the heart of the redeemer. Matthew Chapter 16-17
[Sunday] Beautiful News - Vanishing Grace
Jesus was tempted in the wilderness in every way that we are. This story right at the beginning of Luke's gospel foreshadows the way it ends: Jesus taking all our sins and struggles and giving us grace and victory over them all. Now that we have been freed, we can live knowing that grace is for all.
Jesus was tempted in the wilderness in every way that we are. This story right at the beginning of Luke's gospel foreshadows the way it ends: Jesus taking all our sins and struggles and giving us grace and victory over them all. Now that we have been freed, we can live knowing that grace is for all.
Questions for this week.
How have you seen God’s good news physically affect someone in a positive way?
Read Luke 4:1-13. How is Jesus tempted by the devil? How have you been tempted in the same way? How does Jesus free you from these temptations?
Who might you love this week, and how might you bring them good news?
What Had happened at Grace this week.
Jesus calls out the "blind guides" for their selective piety, reminding us that grace surpasses performative holiness. Matthew Chapter 23
Sermon on the Mount this Lent
Week 1 is Matthew 5:1-6 - Kingdom Identity
Sermon on the Mount this Lent
Week 2 is Torah & Prophets - Matthew 5:17-48
Jesus's humble entry dismantles false hope in worldly power and religious ritual, revealing a true faith in His sacrificial love. Matthew Chapter 21-22
- The disciples are seeking greatness. But Jesus points us to the dust. Matthew Chapter 18-20
Even though we look for security among the stone, Jesus shows us the heart of the redeemer. Matthew Chapter 16-17
[Sunday] Beautiful News - Vanishing Grace
What does beautiful news look like? Perhaps, it looks like ordinary, dare I say, small things, like providing for someone who's hungry, loving your spouse, and being a good neighbor. Perhaps these small things provide the cooling shade of a great tree for us to rest under.
What does beautiful news look like? Perhaps, it looks like ordinary, dare I say, small things, like providing for someone who's hungry, loving your spouse, and being a good neighbor. Perhaps these small things provide the cooling shade of a great tree for us to rest under.
Questions for this week.
When is a time when you have received good news?
Read Isaiah 52:7 and Hebrews 13:1-8. What does it look like when God’s good news comes?
Read Matthew 13:31-35. How does good news come like a “mustard seed?"
What is a small “mustard seed” way God has used someone to bring good news to you that really affected you?
What might you do to bring a “mustard seed” of good news to someone this week?
What Had happened at Grace this week.
Jesus calls out the "blind guides" for their selective piety, reminding us that grace surpasses performative holiness. Matthew Chapter 23
Sermon on the Mount this Lent
Week 1 is Matthew 5:1-6 - Kingdom Identity
Sermon on the Mount this Lent
Week 2 is Torah & Prophets - Matthew 5:17-48
Jesus's humble entry dismantles false hope in worldly power and religious ritual, revealing a true faith in His sacrificial love. Matthew Chapter 21-22
- The disciples are seeking greatness. But Jesus points us to the dust. Matthew Chapter 18-20
Even though we look for security among the stone, Jesus shows us the heart of the redeemer. Matthew Chapter 16-17
[Sunday] Love Laid Down - Vanishing Grace
This is how we know what love is, that He laid down his life for us. This love is like a cool breeze on a hot day, good news when surrounded by the bad, and liberty to the oppressed.
This is how we know what love is, that He laid down his life for us. This love is like a cool breeze on a hot day, good news when surrounded by the bad, and liberty to the oppressed.
Questions for this week.
When are times that you’ve been able to share good news with someone?
Read 1 John 3:11-18. Why did Cain kill his brother? How does a similar attitude prevent us from truly loving our neighbor?
What does Jesus do to enable us to simply love our neighbor?
What impact do you think Jesus' followers would have on the spiritually uncommitted people if we--pilgrims, activists, and artists, all united as a church community -- carried out John’s charge to “not love with words or speech, but in actions and in truth?"
What Had happened at Grace this week.
Jesus calls out the "blind guides" for their selective piety, reminding us that grace surpasses performative holiness. Matthew Chapter 23
Sermon on the Mount this Lent
Week 1 is Matthew 5:1-6 - Kingdom Identity
Sermon on the Mount this Lent
Week 2 is Torah & Prophets - Matthew 5:17-48
Jesus's humble entry dismantles false hope in worldly power and religious ritual, revealing a true faith in His sacrificial love. Matthew Chapter 21-22
- The disciples are seeking greatness. But Jesus points us to the dust. Matthew Chapter 18-20
Even though we look for security among the stone, Jesus shows us the heart of the redeemer. Matthew Chapter 16-17
[Sunday] Uncomplicated Love - Vanishing Grace
The young man who pushed aside his family now thinks of only their love as he longs for the pig feed. We tend to make love more complicated that it needs to be, but perhaps its simple.
The young man who pushed aside his family now thinks of only their love as he longs for the pig feed. We tend to make love more complicated that it needs to be, but perhaps its simple.
Questions for this week.
Describe a time you’ve felt most fulfilled in life.
Read 1 Corinthians 13. According to this passage, when we speak and act without love, what do we produce? And to what extent might we deserve the unpleasant words people use to describe Christians?
What does love always do (v. 7), and what impact will these actions have on our relationships and interaction with those who do not acknowledge God?
What Had happened at Grace this week.
Jesus calls out the "blind guides" for their selective piety, reminding us that grace surpasses performative holiness. Matthew Chapter 23
Sermon on the Mount this Lent
Week 1 is Matthew 5:1-6 - Kingdom Identity
Sermon on the Mount this Lent
Week 2 is Torah & Prophets - Matthew 5:17-48
Jesus's humble entry dismantles false hope in worldly power and religious ritual, revealing a true faith in His sacrificial love. Matthew Chapter 21-22
- The disciples are seeking greatness. But Jesus points us to the dust. Matthew Chapter 18-20
Even though we look for security among the stone, Jesus shows us the heart of the redeemer. Matthew Chapter 16-17
[Sunday] Wells of Grace - Vanishing Grace
Jesus was sitting by a well, and she showed up. All by herself, she carried with her the weight of so much struggle. While it would be so easy to belittle her, Jesus instead is a well of grace that is like a cool drink of water on a hot day. Maybe we can be like that.
Jesus was sitting by a well, and she showed up. All by herself, she carried with her the weight of so much struggle. While it would be so easy to belittle her, Jesus instead is a well of grace that is like a cool drink of water on a hot day. Maybe we can be like that.
Questions for this week.
How do you interact with people who are antagonistic to your faith in Jesus or living a life full of sin?
Read John 4:1-42. Why would the woman be at the well in the middle of the day? How would people in her day viewed Samatarians? How does Jesus respond to her?
What are some ways you can be a grace dispenser this week?
What Had happened at Grace this week.
Jesus calls out the "blind guides" for their selective piety, reminding us that grace surpasses performative holiness. Matthew Chapter 23
Sermon on the Mount this Lent
Week 1 is Matthew 5:1-6 - Kingdom Identity
Sermon on the Mount this Lent
Week 2 is Torah & Prophets - Matthew 5:17-48
Jesus's humble entry dismantles false hope in worldly power and religious ritual, revealing a true faith in His sacrificial love. Matthew Chapter 21-22
- The disciples are seeking greatness. But Jesus points us to the dust. Matthew Chapter 18-20
Even though we look for security among the stone, Jesus shows us the heart of the redeemer. Matthew Chapter 16-17
[Sunday] Following Light - The Book of Advents
The Magi followed God’s light of a star. Wait, those foreigners were following God’s light? Surely God’s people will follow the light rather than going back to darkness.
The Magi followed God’s light of a star. Wait, those foreigners were following God’s light? Surely God’s people will follow the light rather than going back to darkness.
Questions for this week.
In your own words, before rereading in the Bible, tell the story of the wise men.
Read Matthew 2:1-12. Now retell the story of the Magi.
How does Herod and all Jerusalem respond to the news that the Magi bring?
Why do you think they respond that way?
Read Isaiah 60:1-6. How can we follow the light of Jesus, as he brings the nations and Magi of the world to him?
What Had happened at Grace this week.
Jesus calls out the "blind guides" for their selective piety, reminding us that grace surpasses performative holiness. Matthew Chapter 23
Sermon on the Mount this Lent
Week 1 is Matthew 5:1-6 - Kingdom Identity
Sermon on the Mount this Lent
Week 2 is Torah & Prophets - Matthew 5:17-48
Jesus's humble entry dismantles false hope in worldly power and religious ritual, revealing a true faith in His sacrificial love. Matthew Chapter 21-22
- The disciples are seeking greatness. But Jesus points us to the dust. Matthew Chapter 18-20
Even though we look for security among the stone, Jesus shows us the heart of the redeemer. Matthew Chapter 16-17
[Sunday] Simeon - The Book of Advents
Simeon waited his entire life to see the Christ.
Simeon waited his entire life to see the Christ.
What Had happened at Grace this week.
Jesus calls out the "blind guides" for their selective piety, reminding us that grace surpasses performative holiness. Matthew Chapter 23
Sermon on the Mount this Lent
Week 1 is Matthew 5:1-6 - Kingdom Identity
Sermon on the Mount this Lent
Week 2 is Torah & Prophets - Matthew 5:17-48
Jesus's humble entry dismantles false hope in worldly power and religious ritual, revealing a true faith in His sacrificial love. Matthew Chapter 21-22
- The disciples are seeking greatness. But Jesus points us to the dust. Matthew Chapter 18-20
Even though we look for security among the stone, Jesus shows us the heart of the redeemer. Matthew Chapter 16-17
[Sunday] Prince of Peace Christmas - The Book of Advents
Joseph is a righteous man, yet he is having to deal with the surprise pregnancy of his bride to be. But here we see the Prince of Peace Shining though Joseph.
Joseph is a righteous man, yet he is having to deal with the surprise pregnancy of his bride to be. But here we see the Prince of Peace Shining though Joseph.
Questions for this week.
When you think someone has sinned grievously against you, how do you respond?
Read Matthew 1:18-25. Based on Mary being pregnant, what would Joseph have logically thought happened?
How does Joseph respond to this? How is that just or righteous?
How does this foreshadow Jesus and his righteousness?
What Had happened at Grace this week.
Jesus calls out the "blind guides" for their selective piety, reminding us that grace surpasses performative holiness. Matthew Chapter 23
Sermon on the Mount this Lent
Week 1 is Matthew 5:1-6 - Kingdom Identity
Sermon on the Mount this Lent
Week 2 is Torah & Prophets - Matthew 5:17-48
Jesus's humble entry dismantles false hope in worldly power and religious ritual, revealing a true faith in His sacrificial love. Matthew Chapter 21-22
- The disciples are seeking greatness. But Jesus points us to the dust. Matthew Chapter 18-20
Even though we look for security among the stone, Jesus shows us the heart of the redeemer. Matthew Chapter 16-17
Christmas Eve- Advent of Emmanuel
Throughout history God has come to be with us which culminates with Jesus at Christmas.
Christmas Eve 4pm Service
7PM Service, Starts where the two different services differ.

Throughout history God has come to be with us, which culminates with Jesus at Christmas.
Christmas Eve 4PM and 7PM
Countdown to Christmas Eve at 4 PM
-815 days, -13 hours, -41 minutes, and -16 seconds

What Had happened at Grace this week.
Jesus calls out the "blind guides" for their selective piety, reminding us that grace surpasses performative holiness. Matthew Chapter 23
Sermon on the Mount this Lent
Week 1 is Matthew 5:1-6 - Kingdom Identity
Sermon on the Mount this Lent
Week 2 is Torah & Prophets - Matthew 5:17-48
Jesus's humble entry dismantles false hope in worldly power and religious ritual, revealing a true faith in His sacrificial love. Matthew Chapter 21-22
- The disciples are seeking greatness. But Jesus points us to the dust. Matthew Chapter 18-20
Even though we look for security among the stone, Jesus shows us the heart of the redeemer. Matthew Chapter 16-17
[Sunday] The Promised Christmas - The Book of Advents
Joshua stands on the edge staring into the land filled with such promises for a perfect future. But what if you get your dream and desire and just shoot your eye out? Perhaps, then it will be a beautiful Christmas
Joshua stands on the edge staring into the land filled with such promises for a perfect future. But what if you get your dream and desire and just shoot your eye out? Perhaps, then it will be a beautiful Christmas
Countdown to Christmas Eve at 4 PM
Questions for this week.
What is the greatest gift you ever dreamed of receiving at Christmas?
Read Joshua 1:1-9. What is going wrong for Joshua at this time?
What do you think he was thinking as he looked into the promised land? What was he hoping for?
What does God promise He will do for Joshua? How do we see Jesus in this promise?
How has God brought beauty in the imperfections in your life?
What Had happened at Grace this week.
Jesus calls out the "blind guides" for their selective piety, reminding us that grace surpasses performative holiness. Matthew Chapter 23
Sermon on the Mount this Lent
Week 1 is Matthew 5:1-6 - Kingdom Identity
Sermon on the Mount this Lent
Week 2 is Torah & Prophets - Matthew 5:17-48
Jesus's humble entry dismantles false hope in worldly power and religious ritual, revealing a true faith in His sacrificial love. Matthew Chapter 21-22
- The disciples are seeking greatness. But Jesus points us to the dust. Matthew Chapter 18-20
Even though we look for security among the stone, Jesus shows us the heart of the redeemer. Matthew Chapter 16-17
[Wednesday] Advent at Grace 3
Bring your Christmas Stories. Stories from your past, Your favorite story. Really anything to put us in the Christmas spirit.
Pot Luck Dinner 5:30PM
December 14th - Popular Christmas Carols and your Favorite Christmas Stories.
Wear your Christmas Sweaters!
What Had happened at Grace this week.
Jesus calls out the "blind guides" for their selective piety, reminding us that grace surpasses performative holiness. Matthew Chapter 23
Sermon on the Mount this Lent
Week 1 is Matthew 5:1-6 - Kingdom Identity
Sermon on the Mount this Lent
Week 2 is Torah & Prophets - Matthew 5:17-48
Jesus's humble entry dismantles false hope in worldly power and religious ritual, revealing a true faith in His sacrificial love. Matthew Chapter 21-22
- The disciples are seeking greatness. But Jesus points us to the dust. Matthew Chapter 18-20
Even though we look for security among the stone, Jesus shows us the heart of the redeemer. Matthew Chapter 16-17
[Sunday] Christmas Cheer for All to Hear - The Book of Advents
They knew the script, it had been written for them for years and years. Yet one day they heard a voice singing a song of fire, and that song changed everything.
Jesus saw him not in the grandness of his spirituality but in the shade of a tree, and God saw Jacob not in his pursuit of grandness but in the lowness of a stone pillow. The advent of God comes not in the grand things but in the shady stones.
Countdown to Christmas Eve at 4 PM
Questions for this week.
Describe a life changing event you’ve been through?
Read Exodus 3:1-14. How does Moses’ life change as God comes to him in the burning bush?
Read Matthew 1:18-25. How does Joseph's life story change when the angel appears to him?
Think about how Jesus comes for you. What does he do to change the story of your life?
What Had happened at Grace this week.
Jesus calls out the "blind guides" for their selective piety, reminding us that grace surpasses performative holiness. Matthew Chapter 23
Sermon on the Mount this Lent
Week 1 is Matthew 5:1-6 - Kingdom Identity
Sermon on the Mount this Lent
Week 2 is Torah & Prophets - Matthew 5:17-48
Jesus's humble entry dismantles false hope in worldly power and religious ritual, revealing a true faith in His sacrificial love. Matthew Chapter 21-22
- The disciples are seeking greatness. But Jesus points us to the dust. Matthew Chapter 18-20
Even though we look for security among the stone, Jesus shows us the heart of the redeemer. Matthew Chapter 16-17
[Wednesday] Advent at Grace 2
Best Christmas Pageant Ever Tonight!
Pot Luck Dinner 5:30PM
December 7th - Coli Leads discussion of the Best Christmas Pageant Ever.
December 14th - Popular Christmas Carols and your Favorite Christmas Stories.
Wear your Christmas Sweaters!
What Had happened at Grace this week.
Jesus calls out the "blind guides" for their selective piety, reminding us that grace surpasses performative holiness. Matthew Chapter 23
Sermon on the Mount this Lent
Week 1 is Matthew 5:1-6 - Kingdom Identity
Sermon on the Mount this Lent
Week 2 is Torah & Prophets - Matthew 5:17-48
Jesus's humble entry dismantles false hope in worldly power and religious ritual, revealing a true faith in His sacrificial love. Matthew Chapter 21-22
- The disciples are seeking greatness. But Jesus points us to the dust. Matthew Chapter 18-20
Even though we look for security among the stone, Jesus shows us the heart of the redeemer. Matthew Chapter 16-17
[Sunday] A Shady Stone - The Book of Advents
Jesus saw him not in the grandness of his spirituality but in the shade of a tree, and God saw Jacob not in his pursuit of grandness but in the lowness of a stone pillow. The advent of God comes not in the grand things but in the shady stones.
Jesus saw him not in the grandness of his spirituality but in the shade of a tree, and God saw Jacob not in his pursuit of grandness but in the lowness of a stone pillow. The advent of God comes not in the grand things but in the shady stones.
What Had happened at Grace this week.
Jesus calls out the "blind guides" for their selective piety, reminding us that grace surpasses performative holiness. Matthew Chapter 23
Sermon on the Mount this Lent
Week 1 is Matthew 5:1-6 - Kingdom Identity
Sermon on the Mount this Lent
Week 2 is Torah & Prophets - Matthew 5:17-48
Jesus's humble entry dismantles false hope in worldly power and religious ritual, revealing a true faith in His sacrificial love. Matthew Chapter 21-22
- The disciples are seeking greatness. But Jesus points us to the dust. Matthew Chapter 18-20
Even though we look for security among the stone, Jesus shows us the heart of the redeemer. Matthew Chapter 16-17
[Wednesday] Advent at Grace 1
Lots of Christmas Carols and stories about Holiday Foods from around the world.
Pot Luck Dinner 5:30PM
November 30th - Sacred Carols and Stories of International Haliday Foods.
December 7th - Coli Leads discussion of the Best Christmas Pageant Ever.
December 14th - Popular Christmas Carols and your Favorite Christmas Stories.
Wear your Christmas Sweaters!
What Had happened at Grace this week.
Jesus calls out the "blind guides" for their selective piety, reminding us that grace surpasses performative holiness. Matthew Chapter 23
Sermon on the Mount this Lent
Week 1 is Matthew 5:1-6 - Kingdom Identity
Sermon on the Mount this Lent
Week 2 is Torah & Prophets - Matthew 5:17-48
Jesus's humble entry dismantles false hope in worldly power and religious ritual, revealing a true faith in His sacrificial love. Matthew Chapter 21-22
- The disciples are seeking greatness. But Jesus points us to the dust. Matthew Chapter 18-20
Even though we look for security among the stone, Jesus shows us the heart of the redeemer. Matthew Chapter 16-17
[Sunday] Promises, Troubles, and Automobiles - The Book of Advents
Abraham just received the best promise from God - it’s like he can do no wrong. However, his life still falls into struggle and troubles, and when he and the promise, Isaac, climb the Lord’s mountain. Abraham truly sees the advent of God for himself.
Jesus, who called his disciples, now sends them on their first mission trip, to tell that the kingdom of God is at hand. Is that threatening language from Jesus a clue that we better shape up, or is it a promise of hope for all those who feel like a sheep without a shepherd?
What Had happened at Grace this week.
Jesus calls out the "blind guides" for their selective piety, reminding us that grace surpasses performative holiness. Matthew Chapter 23
Sermon on the Mount this Lent
Week 1 is Matthew 5:1-6 - Kingdom Identity
Sermon on the Mount this Lent
Week 2 is Torah & Prophets - Matthew 5:17-48
Jesus's humble entry dismantles false hope in worldly power and religious ritual, revealing a true faith in His sacrificial love. Matthew Chapter 21-22
- The disciples are seeking greatness. But Jesus points us to the dust. Matthew Chapter 18-20
Even though we look for security among the stone, Jesus shows us the heart of the redeemer. Matthew Chapter 16-17
Jesus calls out the "blind guides" for their selective piety, reminding us that grace surpasses performative holiness. Matthew Chapter 23