[Sunday] Beautiful News - Vanishing Grace
What does beautiful news look like? Perhaps, it looks like ordinary, dare I say, small things, like providing for someone who's hungry, loving your spouse, and being a good neighbor. Perhaps these small things provide the cooling shade of a great tree for us to rest under.
Questions for this week.
When is a time when you have received good news?
Read Isaiah 52:7 and Hebrews 13:1-8. What does it look like when God’s good news comes?
Read Matthew 13:31-35. How does good news come like a “mustard seed?"
What is a small “mustard seed” way God has used someone to bring good news to you that really affected you?
What might you do to bring a “mustard seed” of good news to someone this week?
Listen to the bells being rung, God’s promise of peace, hope, and salvation breaking into the world, even in the midst of suffering.