Service, Sunday, Sermons Cris Escher Service, Sunday, Sermons Cris Escher

Christmas Eve Service 2021

The angles Startled the poor shepherds with heavenly songs of Glory to God in the Heights. This is how you will know that God has come. You will find a baby poor and in a manger. This changed everything and left the shepherds joyfully singing the song of heaven with breathy human voices.

What Had happened at Grace this week. 

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Service, Sunday, Sermons Cris Escher Service, Sunday, Sermons Cris Escher

[Sunday] Await the Empty Tomb

“He will swallow up death forever," pronounces the prophet Isaiah as he looks across the future, seeing the shroud which is holding all the creation down. Those words from the prophet ring out with a sure hope as we look inside the empty tomb.

Questions for the week

  1. Why can Christmas be hard for people who have lost loved ones?

  2. Read Isaiah 25:6-9.   How does Isaiah beautifully describe what happens to death?

  3. What about this great feast, brought about by Jesus’ return, do you look most forward to?

What Had happened at Grace this week. 

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Service, Sunday, Sermons Cris Escher Service, Sunday, Sermons Cris Escher

[Sunday] Await the Christmas Ham

Oh the humble Christmas ham. It’s easier to cook than a turkey, but it's still tasty. In the nation of Israel the ham would never have been accepted as a gift. And yet the glory of the “ham nations” was given at the birth of the Hebrew messiah.

Questions for the week

  1. Describe a time when you messed up preparing a holiday dinner.

  2. Read Isaiah 19:16-25.  What do you find surprising about Egypt and Assyria?   Why would they be able to worship just like Israel?

  3. Think of a group of people that you dislike; how would it make you feel if they were part of God’s promise?

  4. Through Christ, how does God make all the nations part of his promise? In regards to Christ, how are you no different than all the other nations?

What Had happened at Grace this week. 

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Service, Sunday, Sermons Cris Escher Service, Sunday, Sermons Cris Escher

[Sunday] Await the Nativity

The prophet Isaiah is warning us of our proclivity to build foundations upon the power of Babylon rather than the kingdom of God. The gift of the nativity is the place where the world's power structures are completely upended and the original creation is put back to rights.

Questions for the week

  1. Describe a time when you were so focused on perfection but were actually just shallowly covering up your faults?

  2. Read 2 Kings 20:12-19.  Why is Isaiah upset with Hezekiah?  What have they tried too hard to be like?

  3. In what ways have you sought pride, power, and prestige trying to be like Babylon?   

  4. Read Isaiah 13:6-16, 14:1. The day of the Lord comes to call us from pride, power, and prestige. How does the day of the Lord bring about God’s wrath as well as his compassion (hint: connect this to Jesus on the cross)?

What Had happened at Grace this week. 

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Service, Sunday, Sermons Cris Escher Service, Sunday, Sermons Cris Escher

[Sunday] Await the Ornament

The beginning of advent can be a rough time for a young boy. All hyped up from the fun of Thanksgiving, school can be a reality check making him feel like Christmas will never come. For the children of Israel, a bloviating Assyrian makes very real threats, causing them to doubt if the Father is really there. However, a loving father gives us gifts to sustain us until Christmas morning.

Questions for the week

  1. Describe a time when you’ve been tempted to listen to voices to doubt God’s love for you.

  2. In Isaiah, the King of Assyria is trying to convince God’s people to doubt God’s power and presence. What prayer does the king of God’s people pray?  Read Isaiah 37:14-20.  

  3. What does he remember about God, even in this dark time?

  4. Read Isaiah 37:21-38. How does God deliver his people from the King of Assyria?

  5. Ultimately, how does God deliver you from the dark times in your life?

What Had happened at Grace this week. 

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Service, Sunday, Sermons Cris Escher Service, Sunday, Sermons Cris Escher

[Sunday] Christ the King Sunday 2021

Just as Christ is “the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end,” at the close of every liturgical year, we look forward with a renewed hope in Christ’s coming again in glory to reign as Lord forever. In the same way, we look forward to our own resurrection and the time of a new earth — an earth that is no longer broken by sin and groaning. Christ will come again in glory just as surely as He came the first time — when He was born. So we have “transition” at the end of the “long green season” into the Advent Season, the new beginning of the liturgical year.

Questions for the week

  1. What does it mean to be a king?

  2. Read John 10:22-30.  What did it mean for the disciples to ask if Jesus was the Christ?   

  3. Read John 18:33-40.  How does Jesus define his kingdom?

  4. How is Jesus different from the kings, political leaders, and rulers of our world?  How does Jesus rule in a different way?

  5. When you see problems in the world, what comfort do you get, knowing that Jesus is king?

What Had happened at Grace this week. 

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Service, Sunday, Sermons Cris Escher Service, Sunday, Sermons Cris Escher

[Sunday] Strong Weakness - Forgive & Give

So much of our capital time and money is spent trying to make ourselves look strong, to give us something to boast about. This makes it where we spend all that capital on ourselves. But when we look through the cross of Christ, it softens our hearts, and we can boast in our weakness.


Questions for the week

  1. What is the biggest mountain top experience you’ve had in your faith walk?

  2. What is the darkest valley you’ve experienced in your faith walk?

  3. Paul talks about his mountain top experience and his darkest valley.
    Read 2 Corinthians 12:1-10.   What does Jesus say about our weaknesses?

  4. How could you reassure someone this week that God works through the cross, even in their weaknesses?

What Had happened at Grace this week. 

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Service, Sunday, Sermons Cris Escher Service, Sunday, Sermons Cris Escher

[Sunday] Cheerfully Generous - Forgive & Give

We are reminded to look at the Macedonians, how they had nothing and yet were generous. We’re to look to Paul and see how he had nothing yet lived a generous life. Most of all, look to Jesus, who gave it all up for you so that you might be rich. May we have the same spirit of generosity.

^^^^^^^^^^^ Sermon ^^^^^^^^^

Sunday Worship is up now! Click above.

Questions for the week

  1. Describe the most generous person you know and how they live their life.  What do you most admire about their generosity?

  2. Read 2 Corinthians 8:1-9.  What examples does Paul use to encourage the Corinthians to be generous?

  3. Read 2 Corinthians 9:6-15.   What advice does Paul give you about living a generous life?

  4. How has Jesus been generous to you?   How does that shape how you live your life?

What Had happened at Grace this week. 

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Service, Sunday, Sermons Cris Escher Service, Sunday, Sermons Cris Escher

[Sunday] Generous Creation - Forgive & Give

We are a new creation who has seen the amazing generosity of the Father though the Son. Let us go with new generosity into all the world, giving good news.

^^^^^^^^^^^^Sermon ^^^^^

Questions for the week

  1. Describe the funniest viral video (think America’s Funniest Home Video) that you’ve seen.

  2. Read 2 Corinthians 5:11-15.   What are some ways you’ve seen people compelled by the love of Christ to do things that are “out of their mind”(NIV) or “beside themselves”(ESV)?  

  3. Read 2 Corinthians 5:16-6:2.   As you live in the new creation, brought by Christ, what does it look like for you to be an ambassador of reconciliation today?

Video From the Sermon Today

What Had happened at Grace this week. 

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Service, Sunday, Sermons Cris Escher Service, Sunday, Sermons Cris Escher

[Sunday] Ordinary Jars - Forgive & Give

Can you remember birthdays and Christmases past? All the presents wrapped in beautiful paper - well, except the ones wrapped in old newspaper. Which one is the better gift? Perhaps it's the one that is just ordinary.

Questions for the week

  1. Describe a time you tried to set someone straight and it didn’t go as planned. How did it feel following that incident? 

  2. Read 2 Corinthians 4:7-12.  What do you think Paul means that we have “this treasure in jars of clay?”  Where have you witnessed treasure in jars of clay?

  3. Pauls speaks of being persecuted, struck down, and death.  In those depressing times of life, where does Jesus give you hope?

  4. When you were reconciled to someone, what did that process look like?

What Had happened at Grace this week. 

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Service, Sunday, Sermons Cris Escher Service, Sunday, Sermons Cris Escher

[Sunday] Love The Sinner Hate The Sin - Say What

Planks and pearls - we embrace some, and others we throw away. It seems to absolutely love the sinner, we must keep the pearl and remove the plank.

Questions for the week

  1. When do you hear people use the phrase, “Love the sinner; hate the sin?”

  2. Read Matthew 7:1-6.   How would you summarize what Jesus says about sin and other people’s sin?

  3. Thinking of the words of Jesus in Matthew 7:1-6, and knowing how Jesus has handled your sin, what might be a more biblical phrase to use when talking about the sins of others?

What Had happened at Grace this week. 

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Service, Sunday, Sermons Cris Escher Service, Sunday, Sermons Cris Escher

[Sunday] To Thine Own Self Be True - Say What

This famous Shakespeare quote has gotten a modern, extremely selfish, makeover. Lets talk about Christ’s salvation for the world and the expectation to follow likewise.

No Questions this week.


What Had happened at Grace this week. 

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Service, Sunday, Sermons Cris Escher Service, Sunday, Sermons Cris Escher

[Sunday] God Works In Mysterious Ways - Say What

This famous Christian phrase has its origins in a little-known song writer who was always dealing with depression and mantel illness. When our lives are not going the way that we would like we are able to say phrases like this as an expression of deep hope.

  1. Describe the mysterious ways you have seen God work?

  2. Read Mark 10: 17-27.   Looking at the context, why does Jesus say “with God all things are possible?”

  3. How might we misuse the saying “God works in mysterious ways?” According to the Bible, what ways does God work that are mysterious?   

  4. Read Isaiah 55:6-10.   When you fail or feel down, what mysterious way of God can you cling onto to have hope?

What Had happened at Grace this week. 

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Service, Sunday, Sermons Cris Escher Service, Sunday, Sermons Cris Escher

[Sunday] Devil Made Me Do It - Say What

Are we the Baddies? Oh the problem of blaming the devil or anything else for our troubles. It takes the very essence away from the Christian.

  1. Questions for the Week
     When are times you would be tempted to say “the devil made me do it” and try to shift blame for some of our problems we find ourselves in?

  2. Read Luke 4:1-12.  We see that Jesus is tempted in every way we are.  What are the temptations Jesus faced and how do you face similar temptations?

  3. Read James 1:12-18.  What does this teach us about temptation?   What ultimately lures us away into temptation?

  4. Read 1 John 1:8-9.  Knowing what Jesus has done for you, how should you respond when you find yourself realizing that you are a “baddie?”

Red Letter Challenge
Together Groups

Find some folk to go through this challenge together.

What Had happened at Grace this week. 

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Service, Sunday, Sermons Cris Escher Service, Sunday, Sermons Cris Escher

[Sunday] Going - Red Letter Challenge

The biggest impact you can make for God’s Kingdom is by partnering with Jesus and sharing your story.

Action Item:
Financial stress is just an everyday norm. Our view of money has become a burden in our lives. But Jesus says his yoke is easy, and His burden is light.

Red Letter Challenge
Together Groups

Find some folk to go through this challenge together.

What Had happened at Grace this week. 

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Service, Sunday, Sermons Cris Escher Service, Sunday, Sermons Cris Escher

[Sunday] Giving - Red Letter Challenge

Financial stress is just an everyday norm. Our view of money has become a burden in our lives. But Jesus says his yoke is easy, and His burden is light.

Action Item:
Financial stress is just an everyday norm. Our view of money has become a burden in our lives. But Jesus says his yoke is easy, and His burden is light.

Red Letter Challenge
Together Groups

Find some folk to go through this challenge together.

What Had happened at Grace this week. 

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Service, Sunday, Sermons Cris Escher Service, Sunday, Sermons Cris Escher

[Sunday] Serving- Red Letter Challenge

The more we do to serve in Jesus’ name, the more we will find the abundant life which we were made to abide.

Action Item:
The more we do to serve in Jesus’ name, the more we will find the abundant life which we were made to abide.

Red Letter Challenge
Together Groups

Find some folk to go through this challenge together.

What Had happened at Grace this week. 

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Service, Sunday, Sermons Cris Escher Service, Sunday, Sermons Cris Escher

[Sunday]Forgiving- Red Letter Challenge

If God is known for grace, shouldn’t the church be known for grace? Then why are followers of Jesus known for the exact opposite?

Action Item:
If God is known for grace, shouldn’t the church be known for grace? Then why are followers of Jesus known for the exact opposite?

Red Letter Challenge
Together Groups

Find some folk to go through this challenge together.

What Had happened at Grace this week. 

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Service, Sunday, Sermons Cris Escher Service, Sunday, Sermons Cris Escher

[Sunday]Being - Red Letter Challenge

Many of us Don’t know how to just be. We know how to do and we struggle with the being. Before we do what Christ asks us to do. we need to be with him.

Action Item:
Whatever God starts He finishes. You may start some things and not finish. But what God starts He finishes!

Red Letter Challenge
Together Groups

Find some folk to go through this challenge together.

What Had happened at Grace this week. 

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Service, Sunday, Sermons Cris Escher Service, Sunday, Sermons Cris Escher

[Sunday]Beginning Together - Red Letter Challenge

I can think of no greater cause than the cause of living for Jesus. After all that He’s done for you, for me, after the sins that He’s overcome in our life, there is nothing that I would rather do than follow after Jesus and help others find life in Him.

Action Item:
Invite Jesus and others into your Red Letter Challenge experience. To put Christ's words into practice, you need the strength from Jesus and the support from others.

Red Letter Challenge
Together Groups

Find some folk to go through this challenge together.

What Had happened at Grace this week. 

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