Adopt a mile meet up
Once a Year Port St Luice has a huge clean up day. We were part of it.
Sarah's Kitchen on Monday
Many Members of Grace Lutheran PSL help every Monday at Sarah's Kitchen
Many members of Grace Help with Sarah's Kitchen every Monday. Making sure the hungry in PSL have a hot meal.
Week in Photos! Baptism! Wednesday! Fairs!
Baptism of Valentina Isabella Sosa
Wednesday Nights Lately.
Olivet Biography Fair
Helping an Older Member
A Church is a group of poeple who are gathered under the Grace of God bringing grace to all those around them.
Matter of Balance Classe at Lawnwood
Phil and Judy Fredrich are facilitators of the Matter of Balance Class at Lawnwood.
Trinity Lutheran LWML 3rd annual Tea Party and Fashion Show
Trinity Lutehran LWML 3rd Annual tea Party
Fredrich Bible Study
Bible Study at the Fredrich's