[Sunday] Nehemiah - Ordinary Sinners
Action Item:
This week look for places where some have made mistakes that affected you and forgive them.
Questions for the Week
Describe a time when you expected something to be perfect but it ended up being a failure.
Read Nehemiah 13:23-31. Even though Nehemiah has brought great reform, what do the people go back to in their behavior?
Why do you think Nehemiah responds with such anger?
How can the last verse where Nehemiah says, “Remember me, O my God, for good,” be a good prayer for us and help us see Jesus better?
What Had happened at Grace this week.
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever – Dec 15th. Starring Lauren Graham, Judy Greer, and Pete Holmes.
The Magi following the light of a star mirrors how God has always worked, giving a light to follow through the wilderness, away from the darkness that holds us down.
Christmas expectations are often Joshed. Yet the name Emmanuel breaks all expectations as Jesus comes to be with us.
Listen to the bells being rung, God’s promise of peace, hope, and salvation breaking into the world, even in the midst of suffering.