[Sunday] Only Jesus Can Save Them - Kingdom Way

- Jesus does not become unclean by touching the afflicted; instead, HE imparts healing and life. It shows the kingdom is for everyone.  Matthew Chapters 8-9

Questions for the Week: Only Jesus Can Save Them - The Kingdom Way

  1. Who are the people we have difficulty with Jesus loving today?  How does the grace of Jesus challenge those perceptions? 

  2. Read Matthew 9:9-13, 18-26. The examples of the woman with the bleeding disorder and the dead girl illustrate how Jesus imparts healing and life instead of becoming "unclean." What does this image tell us about the nature of Jesus's power and His kingdom?

  3. The repeated phrase "Only Jesus can save them…you…me" was a key takeaway in the sermon.. What does "salvation" mean to you personally, and how have you experienced or witnessed this saving power in your own life or the lives of others?

  4. How can we better reflect Jesus's example of reaching out to the "wrong people" in our community?

What Had happened at Grace this week. 


Daniel Ch 2 Bible Study


2nd Sunday School January [Photos]