[Sunday] Here’s Your Sign - Kingdom Way - Matthew 12
- Jesus' miracles and teachings are clear signs of God's kingdom breaking in, but will we recognize them and demand for a sign. Matthew Chapter 12
Questions for the Week: Kingdom Way: Here’s Your Sign
Remember those old classic "Here's Your Sign" Jokes , what's a time you felt like the answer to a question or problem was incredibly obvious, but someone else completely missed it? How did you handle that situation?
Read Matthew 12. Have you ever been so focused on rules or traditions that you missed the bigger picture of showing love and mercy to others? How can we put people over things in our daily lives?
Jonah was reluctant to speak to Ninevites because he was afraid of God’s mercy. Jesus speaks of the sign of Jonah. How does understanding the story of Jonah help you see Jesus’ grace more in your life for you?
Sermon on the Mount this Lent
Week 1 is Matthew 5:1-6 - Kingdom Identity