Something New - The Jesus Experience
Jesus falls the third time
He weeps with you and with you he will stay
When all your staying power has run out
You can’t go on, you go on anyway.
He stumbles just beside you when the doubt
That always haunts you, cuts you down at last
And takes away the hope that drove you on.
This is the third fall and it hurts the worst,
This long descent through darkness to depression
From which there seems no rising and no will
To rise, or breathe or bear your own heart beat.
Twice you survived; this third will surely kill,
And you could almost wish for that defeat
Except that in the cold hell where you freeze
You find your God beside you on his knees.
Questions to Go Deeper in your Faith
How many new year's resolutions have you made that you have not kept? Do you have a funny story about a failed resolution?
Read Luke 4:16-30.Jesus quotes from the scroll of Isaiah, that speaks of what the Messiah will do. According to his reading in Luke 4:18-19, what will the promised Messiah do? From what you know about Jesus how does he fulfill this promise?
Optional Deeper Reading
Read Isaiah 61, which Jesus quotes here to get the full context.How do the people react to Jesus saying he will be the one to fulfill this passage?
What does examples does Jesus allude to in response, to explain who God shows favor to? (See v. 25-27)?For deeper context read the stories Jesus alludes to in 1 Kings 17 and 2 Kings 5.
How do you respond when you find out Jesus loves people you may not like?
No Guys Night in December, Back in January
Back Guys night is every 1st Thursday
Board games, laughter, and cookies? Ditch the screens and join us for a family game night packed with fun and delicious snacks! Unplug and reconnect - game night awaits!
Athletes drank poison, dodged traffic, stole peaches and even hitchhiked during the 24.85-mile race in St. Louis
Even though Martin Stephan had many troubles in this life, and more than likely committed grievous sin, which caused his expulsion from the colony and the church, God nevertheless used him to achieve His purpose here on earth.
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What Had happened at Grace this week.
Listen to the bells being rung, God’s promise of peace, hope, and salvation breaking into the world, even in the midst of suffering.
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever – Dec 15th. Starring Lauren Graham, Judy Greer, and Pete Holmes.
The Magi following the light of a star mirrors how God has always worked, giving a light to follow through the wilderness, away from the darkness that holds us down.
Christmas expectations are often Joshed. Yet the name Emmanuel breaks all expectations as Jesus comes to be with us.
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever – Dec 15th. Starring Lauren Graham, Judy Greer, and Pete Holmes.