Grace Lutheran PSL

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Grace Email 9-21-17

Listen to the Scriptures: Gospel of John

Meet up (Thursday) 11am to listen to the scriptures. 

This week is pretty special. Rather than just listening, Pastor Cris has a Gospel of John movie which reads through the actual Bible text. It is pretty incredible. Come join us at 11. The link below is the trailer.

  • Reading Schedule
  • Chapters 1-5 (38 mins) Jesus Early Ministry (This Week)
  • Chapters 6-10 (44 Mins) Rising Opposition
  • Chapters 11-16 (40 mins) Persistent Unbelief and the Passover
  • Chapters 17-21 (36 Mins) The Passion

Voters Meeting

Sunday OCT 1st 

We encourage all to attend as we are beginning to listen and talk about the road ahead for Grace Lutheran PSL. 


Revelation Study

Will Resume Sep 25th 11AM at Grace. 


Women's BibleStudy

Will Resume Oct 1st


Luther 500 Challenge

500 years ago Luther challenged the church. He challenged them to put Jesus as the focus in there lives, to make our personal theology one about the cross rather than some empty, selfish glory. 

In that same honor, we want to show our community of the Treasure Coast that we love Jesus and all He does. 

Throughout the month of October, as we celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, let us look beyond the walls of Grace Lutheran Church and see how we can partner in what Jesus and His followers are doing to help strengthen our brother and sisters outside our walls.

I would like to challenge us as an congregation to tally up at least 500 community service hours throughout the month of October. We will coordinate and advertise a wide variety of service projects and ways to help out neighbors in the coming weeks. 

If any of you have connections or leads on how to serve others in October, please let Pastor Cris know.


MOPS Helpers

Did you know that Grace hosts a mothers of preschoolers group? 

This is a time where moms can come together to talk and support one another. 

We need people who can watch their little ones at Grace while they meet. 

It's just two Wednesdays a month, and your hours can go to the Luther 500 Challenge. 

Talk to Pastor Cris


Saturday Worship Practice 

This Saturday at 10am. If you are interested please get ahold of Cindy Lynch.


Watch Last Week's Sermon
Fear of the Lord

What would happen if we paused and noticed people around us? Come and find out that fearing the Lord has as lot to do with how we treat our neighbor.


Watch all past sermons at


See you Sunday!