Christians and the 2 Kingdoms Edited by Ed Scott

Martin Luther understood that Christians inhabit 2 worlds: the kingdom of the world and the kingdom of God, or the secular and the spiritual. In response to many questions from people about how to relate to the government, he taught the theology of the 2 Kingdoms to guide Christians to be responsible citizens in both realms. For our statement of faith today we review some of these teachings, compiled,

edited and paraphrased from Luther's Works into a catechetical format by Pastor Scott.

Luther says, we must carefully distinguish between the two governments. Both must be permitted.. The spiritual.. produces righteousness, the secular helps insure external peace and prevents evil deeds. Neither one is sufficient without the other.

Why do we need 2 forms of government, one secular and one spiritual?

Because no one can become righteous in the sight of God by means of the secular government. [For that).. Christ's spiritual government is needed. And we need secular government because Christ's government does not extend over all people since Christians are always a minority in the midst of non-Christians. (LW, Vol. 45, p.84)

You mean we can't get all we need from one or the other?

No, because where secular government or law alone prevails... hypocrisy is inevitable... For without the Holy Spirit in the heart no one becomes truly righteous, no matter how noble and fine the works he or she does. On the other hand, where... spiritual government alone prevails over land and people, there wickedness is given free rein and the door is open for all manner of rascality... aw. Voi 45, p. 84

What responsibility does a Christian have to the secular government?

Christians, among themselves and by and for themselves, need no law or sword, since... a true Christian lives and labors on earth not for himself alone but for his neighbor... [However}, because the sword is... necessary [in] the... world in order to preserve peace, punish sin, and restrain the wicked, the Christian submits... willingly to the rule of the sword, pays his taxes, honors those in authority, serves, helps, and does all he can to assist the governing authority, that it may continue to function and be held in honor.... (as well as for the] benefit to others.

Can Christians serve the state or work in government?

[You mean people in law enforcement, jurists, lawyers, politicians and others of similar function...? Yes they can, since for external peace there must be those who arrest, prosecute.. and destroy the wicked, those who protect, acquit, defend and save the good. Therefore, when [Christian professionals] perform their duties... [to] help the law and the governing authority function.. there is no peril in that; they may use their office like anybody else would use his trade as a means of livelihood. LW. vi 45, p. 103)


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